MUSAE 'Future Foodscapes' Blog

We travelled to Barcelona on the 09th of April 2024 to attend the Future Foodscapes exhibition which was an exhibition of artworks produced by artists who were involved in MUSAEs first open call. The first open call selected 12 artists to participate in residencies. During this time artists explored future challenges and opportunities around the topic ‘Food as Medicine’ using the Design Futures Art-Driven (DFA) method to develop possible future scenarios. The developed future scenarios can be further explored HERE.
The exhibition was held over two days in the beautiful historic building of the university of Barcelona. It was a striking venue to showcase the artworks based on the future scenarios developed by the artists as part of the MUSAE project. The exhibition kicked off with a welcoming ceremony by the Vice Rector of research (UB) – Jordi Garcia, followed by an introduction to the MUSAE project by Tatiana Efremenko – (MUSAE project manager). There were brief overviews given by Marti Ruiz (UB-Tech) and Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics). Following these introductions and overviews of MUSAE we were given a guided tour by the MUSAE artists of their scenario artworks. This was a great experience to hear from the artists the journey they undertook to create their final pieces. Each project was excellent, individual and interesting – from tasting sourdough bread, to live experiments (glyphosate testing of beer), new fermented foods, soil sensors to vertical farming, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done to all of the artists and the organisers of this great event!
MUSAE’s 2nd open call is now open, where teams (1 Artist + 1 SME) are invited to apply, taking one of the future scenarios developed during the 1st open call and develop new concepts and prototypes in the form of a product or service (TRL 5). If this is something you might be interested, please visit HERE more information on the call, the guide for applicants etc. Maybe this is something you are interested in but you looking for an Artist of SME – don’t worry we have developed a matchmaking platform to match Artists and SMEs with the same interests. All of the information on this can be found at
Want to know more about the MUSAE project and what we do, please visit our website at